There are two versions of the Toolkit, one for ages 5-7 and the other for ages 7-11. You can use the form on the right to find out more and access the online ordering system.
You can view a full list of our resources for children and young people here.
Both versions of the Toolkit are based on the Action for Happiness Ten Keys to Happier Living framework and have been piloted in primary schools with appropriate age groups. Qualitative feedback was very positive and quantitative analysis showed significant improvements in wellbeing and other areas. The toolkit for ages 7-11 was also previously awarded the PSHE Association Quality Mark.
The Toolkits are available to order online and cost £80 each for unlimited access to all resources for a full academic year. They consist of a set of downloadable digital resources which can be used/printed by the school as needed:
Toolkit for Teachers:
full teaching materials covering an initial assembly and 11 subsequent lessons, with ideas for ongoing reinforcement
Journal for Children:
each child receives their own journal to help embed learning
Journal for Adults:
to help staff embed the ideas in their own lives too
Information Leaflet:
for Parents and Carers about the Keys to Happier Living
Extensive supporting resources available to download
An Information Leaflet with some general activities has also been developed for teachers to introduce younger children (ages 4-5) to the GREAT DREAM framework.
This is included in the downloadable resources for the Toolkit ages 5-7.
Feedback on the Toolkit
The toolkit has received positive feedback from parents, children and teachers:
Parents' views:
"My daughter came home with her happier living journal and I would just like to compliment it. Wellbeing is so key. I love the fact that my children are being taught such things at school"
Children's views:
"It was very helpful and helped me in my life"
"I think all schools should teach these lessons"
Teachers' views
"The sessions have given the children the chance to think about the things they can do in their everyday life to improve their own and other's lives"
"The children really enjoyed having time to reflect on each of the keys. They linked them to their own lives and it offered a good opportunity for them to be thankful for all they have"

An action-packed, illustrated book that helps children build happiness skills and develop helpful habits for their daily lives..

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