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Meera Phull
Shift Your Mindset
How can we overcome stressful situations and feel better?
Anjuli Sherin
Resilience & Healing
How can we be more resilient?
Dr Vandana Shiva
Ecological Happiness
How can reconnecting with nature support our wellbeing and help create a happier world for all of us?
Prof. Rhonda Magee
Mindfulness and Change
How can mindfulness help us overcome our challenges?
Dacher Keltner
Awe & Wonder
How can we experience more awe & wonder in daily life?
Amy Blankson
Digital Mindfulness
How can we find happiness and meaning in the digital age?
Dr Mark Williamson
Happiness Ideas
How can we live a happier and more fulfilling life?
Gelong Thubten
Fearless Living
How can we get through hard times?
Dr Chris Johnstone
Active Hope
Can we learn how to activate hope in difficult times?
Activity Booklet Ages 4-5
If you are a teacher or parent who wants to introduce happiness as a practice early on, try our activity booklet.
10 Keys Bunting
Printable 10 Keys bunting in colour or in black and white for colouring in. Suitbale for your classroom, home or community event.
David Brooks
Deeper Connections
How to connect more deeply with others
Dr Ayan Panja
Transform Your Health
How can you transform your health?
Vanessa King
New Ways to Feel Happy
Want some new ideas to make life happier?
Prof Robert Waldinger
The Good Life
What makes for a happy, fulfilling life?
Dr Nerina Ramlakhan
Optimising Sleep
How can optimising our sleep help us to thrive?

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